Julian Bond, who inspired the making of this film
Gun Control In America
Statehood for the District of Columbia
Aviva Kempner
A.C. Warden
Barbara Ballow
Adam Glazer
Alison J. Richards
Adam Glazer
Shannon Lawrence
Jeremy Rush
Marian Sears Hunter
Bill Johnson
Michael Moser (District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia)
Christopher Conder (Tennessee)
Robert T. Grange III (New York City)
Chapin Hall (New York City)
Mel Henry (New Jersey)
Tom Kaufman (District of Columbia)
Dana Kupper (Chicago)
Stephan Mazurek (Chicago)
Mirko Popadic (Chicago)
Allen Rosen (Alabama, Georgia)
Michael Boyle (District of Columbia)
Dan Bricker (New York City)
Seth Coleman (New York City)
James Robert Gilchrist (District of Columbia)
Hayden Jackson (Chicago)
Judith E. Karp (New York City)
Keith Kasper (New Jersey)
Steven LePard (Tennessee)
Erik Loveland (Alabama, Georgia)
Paul Rusnak (District of Columbia)
Len Schmitz (District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia)
Dan Zackim (New Jersey)
Michael Palan, DuArt Media Services
Alex Shum
Eddie Hartness, Henninger Media Services
Elena Fialkoff
Jaclyn Gross
Sarah Katz
Alison J. Richards
Elena Fialkoff
Jaclyn Gross
Lauren Jackson
Sarah Katz
Alison J. Richards
Janet Fries and Jennifer Criss
Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
Ken Hand
Athena Robles
Andy Karstetter
National Center for Jewish Film
Teaching For Change
Writer: Peter J. Fredlake
Editors: Aviva Kempner, Thalia Ertman, Sarah Shah
Teaching for Change
Athena Robles
Brian Henderson
Sarah Shah
Thalia Ertman
Veronika Gajer
Susan Senk
Linda Altman
Susan Senk
PR & Marketing
Sharon Liggins
Kronzek, Fisher & Lopez PLLC, Certified Public Accountants
Payal Arora
Alex Garber
Kate Leone
Tien Pasco
Stephen Thomas
Leo Vosburgh
Maria Weiss
Gary Krist
Footage (Archival Sources)
Footage (Feature Films & TV Shows)
“The Music Man” Licensed by Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Books & Newspapers
12 Million Black Voices by Richard Wright
Aaron’s Gift by Christopher Ogden
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
The Atlanta Georgian
Baltimore Afro-American
Berea College: An Illustrated History by Shannon H. Wilson
The Better Homes Manual by Blanche Halbert
Booker T’s Child by Roy L. Hill
Chicago Daily News
Chicago Daily Tribune
Chicago Defender
Chicago Tribune
The Clansman: An Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan by Thomas Dixon, Jr.
Courier Journal
The Crisis A Force for Change: African American Art and the Julius Rosenwald Fund by Daniel Schulman
Heritage from my Father: An Autobiography by Ira Nelson Morris
A History of the American People by Woodrow Wilson vol. III
Illinois State Journal
Israel National News
Julius Rosenwald: The Man Who Built Sears, Roebuck and Advanced the Cause of Black Education in the American South by Peter M. Ascoli
Leslie’s Weekly
Library of Congress, Newspaper Archives
Maxwell Street by Ira Berkow
The New York Times
Norfolk Journal and Guide
North Carolina Times
Period Paper
Philadelphia Tribune
Pittsburgh Courier
PR Newswire
Robert R. Taylor and Tuskegee: An African American Architect Designs for Booker T. Washington by Ellen Weiss
The Rosenwald Schools of the American South by Mary S. Hoffschwelle
A School in Every County by Jeffrey Sosland
The Sentinel
Sundays at Sinai by Tobias Brinkmann
University of Illinois Press
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography by Booker T. Washington
The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson
Washington Life Magazine
Washington Post
Washington Times
You Need a Schoolhouse: Booker T. Washington, Julius Rosenwald, and the Building of Schools for the Segregated South by Stephanie Deutsch
YIVO Newspaper archive
Abbott-Sengstacke Family Papers
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum
Academy of Achievement
Alabama State Archives
American Jewish Archives
American Jewish Committee
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
American Heritage Society
Amherst College Archives and Special Collections
Anna T. Jeanes Foundation
AP Images
Arbetarrörelsens Arkiv Och Bibliotek
Art Resource
Bain Collection, Library of Congress
Berea College Special Collections & Archives, Hutchins Library
Biblion Boundless Library
Black Fives Foundation
Booker T. Washington Collection, Library of Congress
Brookline Public Library
Butler University
Vann Woodward Papers, Sterling Memorial Library
Carl Sandburg Collection, University of Illinois
Century of Progress Exhibition, University of Chicago Library
Chicago History Museum
Chicago Historical Society
Chicago Public Defender
Chicago Women’s Club
Christian Science Monitor
C.M. Battey, Library of Congress
College of Charleston Libraries
Congregation Keneseth Israel
Corbis Images
Courtesy of Devin Alberda
Courtesy of Peter Ascoli, Rosenwald family collection
Courtesy of Bijan Bayne
Courtesy of Jason Behenna, Seattle University Athletic Department
Courtesy of Christian Bond
Courtesy of James Bond
Courtesy of Julia W. Bond
Courtesy of Julian Bond
Courtesy of Barbara Bowman
Courtesy of Velma Brinkley, Cairo School
Courtesy of A’Lelia Bundles
Courtesy of Manford Byrd
Courtesy of Sherry Byrd
Courtesy of John Chuckman
Courtesy of The Ciesla Foundation
Courtesy of Lenora Costa at Longue Vue House and Gardens, New Orleans
Courtesy of David Deutsch
Courtesy of Stephanie Deutsch
Courtesy of Lori Dodson
Courtesy of Charlene Drew Jarvis
Courtesy of Lauranita Dugas
Courtesy of Fred Fields
Courtesy of Kenneth Garrett
Courtesy of Crista Gibbons
Courtesy of the Harmon Foundation Collection, National Archives at College Park
Courtesy of Anne Hess
Courtesy of Kinshasha Holman Conwill
Courtesy of Sharon Jonas
Courtesy of Ursula Jonas
Courtesy of Joy Kingsolver, Sinai Archivist
Courtesy of Know Louisiana and the Historic New Orleans Collection
Courtesy of Michael Kotzin of Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago
Courtesy of The Jacob and Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence Foundation
Courtesy of Rachel Lesaar
Courtesy of Debra Fried Levin and Joshua Levin
Courtesy of Danny Lyon
Courtesy of Steven Nasatir
Courtesy of Oyekunle Oyegbemi
Courtesy of The Gordon Parks Foundation
Courtesy of Alison Richards
Courtesy of Cokie Roberts
Courtesy of Robert Rosenwald
Courtesy of Art Salazar, the estate of Nancy Salazar
Courtesy of Elizabeth Schwartz
Courtesy of Kenneth Space
Courtesy of David Sperling
Courtesy of Frank J. Thomas Archives
Courtesy of Elizabeth R. Varet
Courtesy of The Van Vechten Trust
Courtesy of George Wolfe
Crisis Publishing Co, Inc.
Culver-Union Township Public Library
Detroit City Photo
Detroit Publishing Company, Library of Congress
Documenting the American South, University of North Carolina
Duke Library Archives
Ebony Magazine
Faith in the City
Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information
Florida State Archives
Fort Valley State University
Fortune Magazine
Frances Benjamin Johnston Collection, Library of Congress
Franklin Delanor Roosevelt Library
Frederick D. Patterson Papers
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum
Getty Images
Goldman Sachs
Hancock County Historical Society
Harris & Ewing, Library of Congress
Harry E. Winkler Collection
Harvard University Library
Hero Housing
Hickory Hill
Highland Park Public Library
Horace Mann Bond Papers, University of Massachusetts Library
Howard University Archives
Illinois Paranormal Society
Indiana Historical Society
Indianapolis Recorder Collection, Indiana Historical Society
Jacob Lawrence and Gwendolyn Knight Papers, Smithsonian Archives of American Art
Jacob Lawrence Papers, Smithsonian Archives of American Art
Jacob Lawrence Papers, Syracuse University Libraries
Jewish Historical Institute
Julius Rosenwald Papers, University of Chicago Archives
Julius Rosenwald Fund Papers, Fisk University Special Collections
Kentucky Historical Society
Langston Hughes Papers, James Weldon Johnson Collection in the Yale Collection of
American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection, Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division
Lessing J. Rosenwald Papers
Lightengale Group
Lincoln Library – Sangamon Valley Collection – Curtis Mann
Lincoln University, PA
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Louis E. Asher Papers, University of Chicago
Louisiana State Library
Madam C.J. Walker Collection, Indiana Historical Society
Marian Anderson Collection, University of Pennsylvania Library
Marquette University Archives
Mary Lou Williams Collection Institute of Jazz Studies, Rutgers University
Mercy Housing
Metropolitan Art Museum
Miami Police Department
Michael Reese Health Trust
Michael Rosenfeld Gallery
Mildred Mead Collection, University of Chicago Archives
Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs at New York Public Library
Montclair Art Museum
Montgomery Ward and Co.
Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University
Museum of Modern Art, NYC
National Archives and Records Administration
National Historic Registry
National Park Service
National Photo Company, Library of Congress
New York Public Library
New York World-Telegram Sun, Library of Congress
Ohio Historical Society
Ohio State University
Philip Morris USA Inc.
Phillips Collection
Pigskin Club of DC
Playbill Inc. Permission. All rights reserved
Platow’s Kunstanstalt of Dusseldorf, Gordon Stewart Collection
Rockefeller Archives Center
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
Scurlock Studio Records, Archives Center, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution
Sears Archives
Sears Catalogue
Peter A. Juley & Son Collection, Photograph Archives, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Smithsonian Archives of American Art
Smithsonian Archives of American Art, Federal Art Project, Photographic Division collection
South Side Community Art Center Archives, Chicago
Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library
Special Collections and University Archives, University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries
State Library of Louisiana
Talladega College
Tennessee Preservation Trust
Theodor Horydczak Collection
The Art Institute of Chicago
The Field Museum Library Photo Archives
The Howard Theatre
The Historic New Orleans Collection
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
The New Georgia Encyclopedia
The Standard Club, Chicago
The Winterthur Library
Thomas E. Watson Papers, University of North Carolina
The World’s Work vol. XI
Tuskegee University Archives
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
United States Postal Service
Uniting Distant Stars, Heather Cannon-Winkelman
University of Alabama Archives
University of Mexico, El Taller de Gráfica Popular en México, 1937-1977
University of Chicago
Underwood & Underwood, Library of Congress
University of Illinois at Chicago, Special Collections Department, Chicago Urban League Records
University of Minnesota Libraries, Kautz Family YMCA Archives
University of Pennsylvania, Annenberg Rare Book & Manuscript Library
University of Pennsylvania Archives
University of Virginia Library
Valdosta Daily
Vachel Lindsay Association
Vivian Harsh Collection, Chicago Public Library
W.E.B. Du Bois Library, University of Massachusetts Amherst
West Virginia State College
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
Whitney Museum of American Art
Winston-Salem’s African American Legacy
WLS Radio
Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago
“Adagio from Piano Concerto in G” Composed by Maurice Ravel Performed by Markus Staab
“Alma Redemptoris Mater” By Les Petits Chanteurs de Montigny From Compilation Classique
“Almost Done” Composed by Zane Mark
“America the Beautiful” Performed by Marine Band From Marine Band Dream Hour Recordings, circa 1953
“American Beauty Rag” Performed by Richard Dowling Written by Joseph F. Lamb Used with permission of Edwin H. Morris & Company, A Division of MPL Music Publishing, Inc. (ASCAP)
“Avia’s Blues” Composed by Zane Mark
“Ballin’ The Jack” By Sidney Bechet Written by Chris Smith and Jim Burris
“Blues for Marian” Composed by Zane Mark
“Buck Dance by Harry Rutledge” By Horace Sprott Courtesy of Smithsonian Folkways Recordings
“Daughters of Freedom” Composed by Edwin Christie Conducted by Robert Saladini Pianist Phillip DeSellem Courtesy of Library of Congress
“Dere’s No Hidin’ Place” Performed by Marian Anderson Courtesy of Sony Masterworks By arrangement with Sony Music Licensing
“Do, Lord, Remember Me” Performed by Dominique Fauchard Courtesy of ADF-Bayard Musique
“Gambrinus Polka” Courtesy of Royalty Free Music World
“How Ya Gonna Keep ‘em Down on the Farm” Performed by Lieut. Jim Europe’s 369th U.S. Infantry Hell Fighters Band Music by Walter Donaldson Lyrics by Joe Young and Sam M. Lewis
“I Want To Be Ready” Performed by Dominique Fauchard Courtesy of ADF-Bayard Musique
“I Want To Be Ready” Performed by The Tuskegee Institute Choir Directed by William Dawson Courtesy of Scion Music LLC obo Music Press (SESAC)
“Liebesbotschaft” Composed by Schubert & Schumann Lieder Performed by Marian Anderson and Franz Rupp Courtesy of Sony Masterworks By arrangement with Sony Music Licensing
“Lift Every Voice and Sing” Performed by Salem Missionary Baptist Church Sunday School Choir Music and Lyrics by John Rosamond Johnson and James Weldon Johnson Arranged by Zane Mark
“Lift Every Voice and Sing” Music and Lyrics by John Rosamond Johnson and James Weldon Johnson Courtesy of Concordia Publishing House
“Lift Every Voice and Sing” Performed by The Joslin Grove Choral Society Music and Lyrics by John Rosamond Johnson and James Weldon Johnson Courtesy of Countdown Media, a division of BMG Rights Management (US) LLC
“Lord, I Can’t Stay Away” Performed by Marian Anderson Courtesy of Sony Masterworks By arrangement with Sony Music Licensing
“Moonlight Sonata” No. 14 in C Sharp Minor, Op 27 No. 2- II Allegretto Composed by Ludwig Van Beethoven Performed by Paul Pitman
“My Country ‘Tis of Thee” Performed by Marian Anderson Written by Samuel Francis Smith
“Nu I Vse” By Natus From Eternal Sleep
“Ose Shalom” Performed by Tennessee Schmaltz Courtesy of Manuel Herz
“Over There” Composed by George M. Cohan Arranged by P. Holbrook Performed by United States Army Ground Forces Band
“Paragon Rag” Performed by Robert Strickland Music by Scott Joplin Courtesy of Sheridan Square Records
“Ragtime Oriole” Composed by James Scott Performed by Richard Dowling
“Sensation” Composed by Joseph Lamb Arranged by Scott Joplin Courtesy of Master Classics Records
“Shloymke/Nifty Frailach” Performed by Tennessee Schmaltz
“Smiles” By Joseph C. Smith’s Orchestra From Antique Phonograph Music Program
Songe D’une Nuit D’ete- II. Scherzo Composed by Felix Mendelssohn Performed by European Archive
Songe D’une Nuit D’ete- II. Nocturne Composed by Felix Mendelssohn Performed by European Archive
“Swing Low Sweet Chariot” Courtesy of WH Music
“Swing Low Sweet Chariot” Performed by Paul Kerian Courtesy of Paul Kerian
“The Caissons Go Rolling Along” (1918) Performed by John Philip Sousa Band
“The Red and Blue” Composed by William John Goeckel Performed by the Penn Band
“Variations for the Healing of Arinushka” Composed by Arvo Pärt Performed by Markus Staab
“What A Wonderful World” Performed by Aisha deHass Words and Music by Bob Thiele and George David Weiss Courtesy of Imagem
Music, Quartet Music © BMG Rights Management LLC, and Range Road Music, Inc. (ASCAP)
Funders for the DVD Production
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Ford Foundation
The Sarowitz Family Fund
The Baltimore Family Foundation of the Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
Righteous Persons Foundation
The Chicago Community Foundation
Reva and David Logan Foundation
Public Welfare Foundation
Josh Levin and Debra Fried Levin
Ira and Marcia Wagner
Atran Foundation
The Rhoda and David Chase Family Foundation
The Gardner-Pokempner Charitable Fund
Hank and Carol Brown Goldberg
Kole Foundation
Philip Rome
Rosenwald Courts/Near North National Title
Mike and Corky Hale Stoller Foundation
Harold and Nancy Zirkin Foundation
Special Thanks
Peter and Lucy Ascoli
Marissa Baker
Thomas and Hillary Baltimore
Bijan Bayne
Stuart Bear
James Bond
Julia W. Bond
Julian Bond
Rochelle Brown
A’Lelia Bundles
Manford Byrd
Sherry Byrd
Robert Charles
Arnold Chase
Cheryl Chase
Rhoda Chase
Sandra Chase
Fritzi Cohen
Judith Cohen
Lenora Costa
David and Stephanie Deutsch
Pat Dowell
Charlene Drew Jarvis
Lauranita Dugas
Ribby Fergusson
Fred Fields
Eva Fogelman
Lauren Glover
Dan Goldberg
Lawrence Goldmuntz
Grace Cohen Grossman
Lindsay Hager
Corky Hale
Anne Hess
William Hess
Pamela Horowitz
Annette Insdorf
Hana Iverson
Sharon Jone
Ursula Jonas
Tim Jordan
Colin Kaepernick
Aliza Kempner
Delaney Kempner
Jonathan Kempner
Piera Kempner
Barbara Kibbe
Don Kole
Matthew La Rocque
Allan Lengel
Joshua and Debra Fried Levin
Rachel Levin
Dan Logan
Lindsay Louie
Terry Mazany
Deborah Menkart
Cara Mertes
Sean Murray
Clifford Muse
John Nieman
Sam Norich
Larry Ottingter
Oyekunle Oyegbemi
Virginia Pace
Josh Pokempner
Dan Raviv
Kathy Reich
Lisa Rivo
Sharon Rivo
Cokie Roberts
Philip Rome
Robert Rosenwald
Shayna Rose Triebwasser
Rabbi David Saperstein
Art Salazar
Steve Sarowitz
Jacquelyn Serwer
Brigid Slattery
Jeffrey Slavin
Amanda Smith
David Sperling
Margie Steine
Steven Spielberg
David Stern
Gay Palmer Stern
Helen Stern
Henry Stern
Lessing Stern
Don and Isabelle Stewart
Tabard Inn
Fay Twersky
Rachel S. Vagts
Lise Van Susteren
Elizabeth VareIra Wagner
Darren Walker
Lowell Weiss
Rick and Marybeth West
Susan Willens
George Wolfe
Irwin and Linda Young
Rebecca Zorach
In Loving Memory Of
Marie Balian
Janet Rosenwald Becker
Julian Bond
David T. Chase
Richard Collins III
Helen and Milton Covensky
Larry Emerson
Heather Heyer
Arthur and Gwen Hiller
Chaim Kempner
Philip Levy
Michael Ratner
Julia Rosenwald
Jamahri Sydnor
Max and Esther Ticktin
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