We are thrilled to announce that Rosenwald is included in Know Your Chicago 2019, a series designed to promote civic awareness and participation. This year, the series features events honoring the life and legacy of Julius Rosenwald.
A screening of Rosenwald is part of the symposium on Wednesday, September 24 with a panel discussion to include director Aviva Kempner, Rosenwald’s grandson Peter Ascoli and curator Daniel Schulman. The screening and panel events are free and made possible by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
In addition, a tour will take place September 24th and 25th to include a look at the Rosenwald Courts Apartments.
Go to the website for more information. Know Your Chicago is presented by the Know Your Chicago Committee and the University of Chicago Graham School.

Rosenwald in Tuskegee

Rosenwald was part of an exciting and historical project: Addressing the Un-Addressed: The Tuskegee Civil Rights Trail
The project aimed to recognize and place thirteen historic markers, including one for Julius Rosenwald, at various sites within the community that are affiliated with the Civil Rights Movement in Tuskegee, Alabama.
Aviva Kempner attended the launch of the project on September 12 and 13 with an enthusiastic crowd, attendees from Rosenwald Schools and organizers. Stay tuned for more on this amazing event!