by Cieslafdn | Aug 22, 2019 | Rosenwald Fund

A two-year study conducted by Preservation Virginia found that out of the 126 schools that were built with money from the Rosenwald Fund, eight of them are still standing—in Pittsylvania County. You can read more information about the study and the personal accounts of two men, Gene Ferguson and James Adams, who attended one of these Pittsylvania school at the link below.
Read more here!
by Cieslafdn | Aug 14, 2019 | Rosenwald Fund
oin us as we commemorate the birthday of philanthropist and businessman Julius Rosenwald, who would have been 157 years old today. We share his story in our film, Rosenwald, which was released in 2015.
Rosenwald to be shown in Oklahoma City
The Ciesla Foundation is excited to announce that Rosenwald will have a special screening at the Temple B’nai Israel in Oklahoma City, OK. The screening will take place on Sunday August 18th at 1:30 pm. The film will be followed by a talk about “Education and Justice: Understanding and Reawakening the Black-Jewish Partnership”. This was all made possible due to the cosponsorship of the Ralph Ellison Foundation. All are welcome, click here for more information.
Ford President, Rosenwald Donor Featured in the NYT
Darren Walker, President of the Ford Foundation, contributed to the making of the bonus features for theRosenwald DVD. He continues to live in the spirit of Julius Rosenwaldthrough his extensive philanthropic work. The Ford Foundation’s giving is reminiscent of the Rosenwald Fund. Read about Walker’s work here!
More Rosenwald Events

Stay tuned for more exciting news about Rosenwald screenings and Julius Rosenwald themed events to be planned at Tuskegee University, in Alabama, and on the University of Chicago campus in September. Details to follow.
by Cieslafdn | Aug 7, 2019 | Rosenwald Fund
At the Jewish Federation of Chicago’s Annual Meeting on Tuesday, September 17th, President Lonnie Nasatir will present Bill Silverstein with the 56th Annual Julius Rosenwald Memorial Award. This award is the Federation’s highest honor and will be awarded to Silverstein, a real estate developer, for his great philanthropic work and elevation of the Jewish community in the Chicago area. Congratulations Bill and keep up the great work!

To read more on the award and the Annual Meeting, click here:
by Cieslafdn | Aug 7, 2019 | Rosenwald Fund

On May 1st, the Malvern Rosenwald Tuggle School was named on the 2019 List of Arkansas’s Most Endangered Places. As a result, “astonishing individuals of Malvern have embraced the opportunity to restore the school. It’s a long-term goal and effort to achieve, but the MTRO has made it their mission and purpose to restore, reconstruct and repair the landmark Tuggle School in Malvern.” You can read more about the school and the restoration initiative here:
If you are interested in helping with the restoration process, reach out to Gretchen Ritchey, the editor of the Malvern Daily Record here:
by Cieslafdn | Aug 7, 2019 | Rosenwald Fund

We want to send our condolences to the friends and family of Alfoncie B. Austin, an alum of Rosenwald High School and a pioneer in the world of vegan cuisine. In addition, Austin was generous leader within the community, often participating in various philanthropy events, including taking at risk youth out of the city and into the mountains for a two week camp each summer. It is truly sad to lose such a great human from our world and her impact will not be forgotten.
Read more about Alfoncie Austin here:
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